Earn more revenue
Save time and generate 20% more revenue by automating your pricing and distribution strategy.
The best way to grow your business is to focus on what really matters: your guests. Our independent hotel platform handles the time consuming tasks that drive revenue growth.
Save time and generate 20% more revenue by automating your pricing and distribution strategy.
Gain time back to spend with your guests by automating your pricing strategy with AI.
Maximize your visibility on 200+ channels to capture every booking opportunity.
Leverage a custom booking engine to reduce fees paid to OTAs.
Save time by reducing manual payment tasks.
Leverage AI to monitor market prices, adjust rates to stay competitive, and intelligently distribute your inventory on the right channels.
Gain maximum visibility online, avoid double bookings and manage your prices and availability in the blink of an eye.
Integrate a booking module on your website to offer a smooth and secure booking process while avoiding costly commission fees.
Offer payments at any stage of the guest journey and consolidate reporting and reconciliation in a single platform.
Automate reception tasks such as check-ins, room assignments, and customer communications.
We integrate with over 400 hospitality technology partners. Our data and tool sets make your existing software even more powerful, ensuring your decisions are based on the most accurate data available in the industry.
Essential pricing management with daily price recommendations
All the features of Starter, plus: Enhanced pricing management with pricing automation
All the features of Core, plus: Enhanced pricing management with pricing automation
All in one platform for smaller independent hotels, B&Bs, and short term rentals